PC2DVNET / PC2VGANET / PC2HDNET – What are difference among Mirror, Extend and Primary modes


There are 3 operation modes as “Mirror”, “Extend”, & “Primary” as below:

Mirror mode
this mode will send exactly the same monitor content from your local monitor to remote monitor. Both local & remote monitors have the same content.

Extend mode
with this mode, you can drag applications such as a playing movie from your local monitor to remote monitor.

Primary mode
this mode switches the primary display from your local monitor to the remote monitor, your local monitor screen will become whole black, and operation will be displayed on remote monitor.
When sending up to 6 remote monitors (using 6 units of PC to monitor over Ethernet), only 1 remote monitor can be set as “Mirror”, and only 1 remote monitor can be set as “Primary”, and all 6 remote monitors can be set as “Extend”.